1. X. Ji, J. Sun, and T. Turner, A mixed finite element method for Helmholtz transmission eigenvalues, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 38 (2012), article 29.
2. X. Ji, J. Sun, A multi-level method for transmission eigenvalues of anisotropic media, Journal of Computational Physics, 225 (2013), 422-435.
Y. Xi, X. Ji, and H. Geng, A C0IP method of Transmission Eigenvalues for Elastic Waves, Journal of Computational Physics, 374 (2018), 237-248.
3. P. Liu, X. Ji, and Z. Xu, Modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck model with accurate Coulomb correlation in variable media, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78 (2018), 226-245.
4. X. Ji and X. Liu, Inverse electromagnetic source scattering problems with multi-frequency sparse phased and phaseless far field data,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,41 (2019), no. 6, B1368–B1388.
5. Y. Xi, X. Ji, and S. Zhang, A multi-level mixed element scheme of the two dimensional Helmholtz transmission eigenvalue problem, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 40 (2020), 686-707.
6. X. Ji, Reconstruction of sources from time domain scattered waves at sparse sensors, Inverse Problems 37, (2021), 065010.
7. Q. Quan, X. Ji, S. Zhang, A lowest-degree quasi-conforming finite element de Rham complex on general quadrilateral grids by piecewise polynomials, Qimeng Quan · Xia Ji · Shuo Zhang , Calcolo, Calcolo, 2022, 59(1).